
Sunday, April 3, 2011


ok, as some people know, i lost a cat last Wednesday. i'm still sad, but, i'm getting better. we are now can mentioned his name without tears. maybe i'll blog about him some other time. still need time to collect all the strength to write about him. oh ya, we've got a new kitten name. his name is Tikidi. heee. we just wanted our attention to focus on something else from remembering Takada, that's why we adopted a kitten. but, it's not about him i want to blog about. again, maybe some other time. ahaha, too many promises, am i?

i am now in the state of recovering from my infectious gum. yes. it is infected! went to see doctor last Thursday as i can't stand the pain. but, it ain't got any better now. food still keep on stuck at some kind of hole at my surgery spot of my gum. it sucks when you can't even chew anything. got the appetite but it's such a torture to eat! i hate it hate it hate it T__T it's frequently bleeding and i feel like a vampire sometimes when i have to swallow the blood :'(

will again see the doctor tomorrow as i need to take off the stitch. do not know if the wound is healing or not as i still in pain. been on MC for days now. hope i get better sooner.

1 comment:

F. said...

Tikidi.. Cute je nama..

Babe dasyatnya nak buat braces.. Bertabah la OK!