
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Incubus Live In Malaysia

Assalammualaikum wbt,

Again, it has been forever since I last updated my blog. Believe me, this blog is in my mind everyday and I have plenty to say, but again, so much thing going on in my life these days. I have limited time everyday, juggling through career, being mother, being a wife, and trying my hardest to be normal human being..

And so..around early December last year, I read somewhere that Incubus gonna come to Malaysia. I'm like whattttttttt....this is really happening? Their last concert was in 2011 and I had a history about it though. I bought a pair of ticket and planned to go with my husband, well a boyfriend then but he said he didn't want to because he just went to other rock concert prior to this. Sooo.. I asked my cousin to join and she also couldn't .. so, long story short, I sold the tickets off..sobs. They were very popular back then alas the venue was at Stadium Merdeka, sure it was one hell of show. But, tiada rezeki.. That is why when I knew they're coming, all this memory making a come back and making me excited. I am not a head over heel kind of fan to Incubus (my husband is btw!) but I love enjoying good music.

I kind of stand by on the website waiting for the tickets launch. Getting concert tickets nowadays could be a real battle I tell you. I didn't manage to snatch either Bruno Mars nor Ed Sheeran last time and no way I'm not gonna let this one slip out too. Alhamdulillah, I managed to score a pair. There's only one category of tickets, free standing and tickets are limited too due to the small venue, KL Live. Probably because they are an ermm.. outdated band? Young generations now don't know them much, so I found out when I asked those younger kids at my office and they don't know or ever heard of them, like seriously I am that old or you guys just don't care?! I think I prefer that latter.

Priority: Maggi goreng mamak for the energy later

My husband and I purposely took a leave for this. We arrived at the venue quite early, at 4pm and the door only open at 7.30pm *rolls eyes*. So, we went to have early dinner first. There were so many people there and most of them are like our ages hahaha. So good to be surrounded by the same generations though. No young kids, hipster wannabe or Instafamuos phewww. Oh, Yuna and Aunty Anum came too but I didn't manage to say hi as they're at the different floor.

The show was so so so so so so gooooooooood! One of the best concert, the music, Boyd's vocal are amazinggggg. Never a dull moment. I think I had a good exercise dancing and jumping along to the music. Definitely a memorable event. The concert lasted about 2 hours or so, and yeah of course my body were sore and I pretty much had a hangover sleepyhead at the office the next day, but they're worth it! Now, I can't move on, will listening to Incubus Spotify for the next 2 months lol.