
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Colouring Book For Adults

Assalammualaikum wbt

When we say colouring books, we always relate it to kids right? Selama ni, watching kids colouring, I know, deep inside, we feel like joining them too. Don't worry, admit it, I don't judge because I feel the same way too! Kadang-kadang sakit hati jugak tengok diorang ni color suka hati like conteng-conteng rather than coloring. 

Fret notttttt! Now we can color too and looking like a professional artist (ehemm) with adults colouring books! you hear me right. We have adults coloring book, yay! I first discovered this at MPH because they are promoting this new trend/hobby now. I took a look of the books and as usual, being me..I ended up buying one. The next days, I came again and buying some more together with some coloring tools..

I loveeeee this thing. Well, I always love arts heck, I even took Pendidikan Seni when I was in high school for my SPM. And I am actually blessed to be able to draw, but not like those professional artists of course. Just a simple drawing - women, men, anime..more like sketch really. I haven't draw that often now, of course because of the time constraint so when I saw the coloring books at MPH, I was like "Whoaaaa...this is it mannn. I want to do this again!"

I could be lost for hours doing this but I unable too, so I steal a little time here and there when my baby is sleeping. I use mix of coloring tools like color pencil, marker pens, sharpies and Stabilo pens. Yes, I spent quite a penny especially on the Stabilo mini pens set. 

In my collection, so far I have Johanna Basford's Secret Garden artist's edition. It is quite limited and I have to be for waiting list for this. Luckily, one of the waiting list people canceled her/his order, so it's mine Wohooo! It is the same like the normal Secret Garden coloring book, only it has fewer illustrations and the paper is thicker. So, even you used marker pens, the color will not went through the paper. Another good thing is, you can tear the page out and frame them. I'm planning to do that for my new house soon (3 years more to be exact). Other than that, I also have a flower motives book, and a small flower handbook for travel-friendly. These are some of my 'art' work. If you check #johannabasford and #colouringbookforadult hashtags on Instagram, you'll be blown away by many of the arts! Those people are so talented! Wow..just wow. Mine biasa-biasa aja :p



For the time being, I am waiting to get my hands on Johanna Basford's Enchanted Forest too. Yeap, they were sold out at MPH! I am now on their waiting list, and so anxious to receive a call from MPH. I heard that Johanna's latest coloring book, Lost Ocean will be in store next week (or it is actually been released?) *updates: I got it already! With umm..some other stuffs too :p 

I hope I can continuously doing this, or at least to color every pages until finish. And I hope my baby will not discover this and chew my coloring stuffs! 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Good deeds sure are good

Assalammualaikum wbt,

Ececeh...tajuk macam poyo aje kan? Hahaha. To tell ya frankly, I'm quite a shy person, and it takes a lot of guts for me to make first move or what not. I mean like to approach people, to strike a conversation, finding good topics, to continue the conversation so it doesn't feel so awkward..

I've been following Syed Azmi through Facebook for months now and always leave me inspired seeing how kind and creative he is in doing charity and spread the kindness. What he always does is a simple gesture but it could affect people and leave them happy. Seriously, this world need more kind people like him and I also learning from him especially on the part of approaching stranger and give something to the them, giving back to the community. Go follow him and be inspired! Wow..what a great Pahala this guy gets..MasyaAllah.


So....I start small, like last few weeks, I bought few extra kuih for breakfast and took a cab for work. Inside the cab, well, I started my conversation with the driver:

Me: Good morning uncle, sudah breakfast ke?
Driver: Good morning, belum breakfast lagi. I pagi-pagi sudah keluar untuk ambil customer.
Me: Uncle mau kuih tak? Saya ada beli extra (while giving the kuih to him)
Driver: ohhh..thank you thank you!

Tell ya...he is so excited and his look is so unexpected! And it leaves me feeling totally totally good throughout the day! It got me thinking, if the small deed leave such an impact to someone's daily life (well, at least to me), imagine if we are able to give even more? Wow. It's only one piece of Karipap mannnn! and I'm feeling so great!! Patutlah orang yang selalu bersedekah hidupnya sangat senang dan rezeki sangat murah. How Allah swt is truly generous, if you give something, you'll get an even better return. Yes, I did buy and read the famous book, Mudahnya Menjemput Rezeki and it's totally recommended book to read. Like seriously. It teaches us how simple to do sedekah and how every penny that we get is actually belong to other person's too. And trust. Trust that everything is rezeki not just money. Health, family, peace all are rezeki. Always count your blessings. 

Like yesterday, after work, I went to Mothercare at Subang Parade to do some baby's shopping. In front of me was one uncle queuing to pay and inquiring about the toys' function and such. He asked me to pay first but I refused as I still have something to look for (there's always something to look for at Mothercare). Then, when I queue back the cashier was entering the amount at the register of RM250+ and she asked that uncle whether he has a Mothercare membership or not.

Cashier: Ada membership tak?
Uncle: Ohh, tak ada (while taking out cash from his wallet)
Me: Umm...boleh terima ke kalau third party punya membership? (Like out of sudden)
Cashier: Boleh.
Uncle: Awak guna la membership awak, dapat hadiah ke, kumpul points ke (without having a slightest idea it's for great discount)
Me: telephone number is.. (As to verify I am a member, they don't have membercard by the way)
Cashier: Okey got it. Altogether is RM180+ (Uncle didn't hear it). And here is a recyclable free bag for purchasing these toys.
Uncle: (handed RM250 to cashier)
Cashier: (while return remaining balance) It's only RM180 aja.
Uncle: Ohh yeke? Terima kasih nak, terima kasih banyak-banyak!! (He seemed so surprised and happy of course)
Me: Sama-sama.
Uncle: Nah ambillah, takde apa saya nak bagi (while passes me the free bag from ELC).
Me: Eh, takpe. Terima kasih, Selamat Hari Raya (because it's second day of Aidiladha)
Uncle: Terima kasih banyak-banyak sekali lagi ye nak. 

I was feeling soooo great that day. Doing deeds sure making you so happy and giving hope that this world still a better place to live in and still have good people (I'm not saying myself as example but there are plenty of others, taking example Mr Syed Azmi I mentioned earlier). Well pakcik, if you say you've got nothing to give me, you could actually just give umm..the balance difference from the original price! Hahahaha. Jokingggggg. 

So people, what kindness have you done today? It's okay to start small, sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit. I was thinking to buy some kuih for my office's pakcik guard today...and some for me too. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Healthier breakfast, no?


I noticed that I have gaining weight ever since I delivered my baby. I am lucky I have a slim frame (thanks for the DNA mak!) but I couldn't hide those excess fat especially on my chin, tummy, thighs...ermm...I'm pretty sure they're everywhere!! These past few days also made me realize that my metabolism started to slow down. They said it's because of giving birth. And on the other realistic reasons, it is because of my unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. Exercise? Thanks but no, thanks. Hahahaha. 

So, it's my second day to take this for breakfast...



Although it is covered with lotsa chocolate chunks, but it undeniable that the oats doesn't taste that good really! I would separate the chocolates and oats, finishing the chocolates part first and fighting to finish the rest of oats. Breakfast time never been this slow and long! Hahaha. How on earth could other people eat the even healthier organic sort of cereal? Let's see how long I will last.

On the other hand, I already miss my nasi lemak sambal udang petai breakfast regime. And oh, maybe nasi goreng kampung too, with umm..runny yolk telur goreng on top please.