
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Picking up every pieces as much as I could

Assalammualaikum, it has been 4 months since my last post. I have so many things to write actually, but my laptop isn't with me. My sister's laptop is broken and I lend her mine until now. Now I'm using my husband's office laptop to update as quickly as I could. 

I am still owing my wedding story...I know! I will try my best to update them all, in detail insyaAllah soon. I have few announcements here, ehem ehem. Life has been great since the wedding. I enjoy my marriage so much. Alhamdulillah, the rezeki Allah swt giving me is countless and I feel so blessed! Most of my friends who followed my Facebook and Instagram already knew this happy news. I am now 5 months pregnant, Alhamdulillah! I am so lucky to be given this rezeki soon. We're not really planning actually because we're kind of couple who just go with the flow. But Allah swt knows best. He's the greatest planner of all, and we are really terrific with this news! At the same time, my sister is also pregnant with her second child and due in October whereby mine will be in December. My parents going to have two grandchildren this year! 

My pregnancy journey is going well so far. Despite the morning sickness, I think I'm going along pretty well, all compliments to Allah. Yes, I did experienced some vomiting and nauseous during the early trimester. It costed me some MCs as well but it all good after I enter the second trimester. A lot of people don't actually believe that I am pregnant because my belly is small, they claimed. But, of course, being myself, I feel so many changes to my body. I feel itchy on my back and now it transfer to both my feet. I get tempered easily and my body easily get tired. Oh, and on my first day of Raya, I usually would do most of the jobs like previous years, but with this pregnancy, when I do extra works, my tummy feel cramped and hard whereby I have to sneak a sit every now and then :( Now I understand what other preggers feel. 

Second thing that I want to update is that, my husband and I are now a proud property owner. Alhamdulillah, the process is going smoothly so far. The house isn't ready yet, it will be ready in 2018. Yes, it still a long way to go but I am now so excited to decorate the future house of ours! It's my baby's rezeki, Alhamdulillah :) The house is in Shah Alam and it's actually a condo. Yes, I always wanted a landed house, but with the crazy price of property now, owning one within the prime area regardless of what type it is, can be considered as lucky I guess. I am so blessed that my life is going accordingly in order. 

Last but not least, I would like to wish all my readers (if there's any..hahaha), Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Minta maaf zahir batin. I do apologize if there is any of my writings offended you directly or indirectly. My Allah swt gives me a chance and time to write more soon, insyaAllah. Until then, bye!