
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Self Reflect

Have you ever crossed a situation where when you think God is testing you and forgetting you, but at the same time He is watching you and care for you?

That is exactly what I am facing right now. I am currently in a shit right now, feeling all fucked up, and helpless. I thought I was alone, but little by little, there are people comforting me, giving me hope. Even everything that surrouding me, the nature even, are like watching me. I’m scrolling through my social medias and most of the friends are sharing motivational quotes, or a beautiful surah/ayat with deep meaning. Making me feel, Allah swt testing me but at the same time He loves me and looking out for me. He doesn’t let me drown with my emotions and sadness by sending these people (family & friends) to be near me, cheering me up. Even people I least expecting. 

I cross over so many posting on positive thought today, motivational quotes people sharing on my timeline, without me needing to look for it. Isn’t that a sign of love from Him? I felt ashamed when I think about it, about how I forget about Him sometimes but He always be there, looking out for me, even MashaAllah how much I’ve sinned as His servants. 

I told my husband about this, and he replied that, “Now you believe many people love you. That is why no matter what people do, always always be kind. Allah swt will only tests those who can bear it”. Kindness wins E.V.E.R.Y.T.I.M.E. There’s nothing wrong to be sad or emotional, but you don’t allow yourself to be drown by it. Emotions and sadness are what makes us humane afterall. After that, get up, standing up and if it’s worth the fight, fight! If it’s not, then just let it be, and move on. There’s no use to fight for something that doesn’t make your worth or make you even unhappy. 

P/s: There’s a special place in Hell for them anyway HAHAHAHA, MashaAllah sisterrr.