
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Welcoming March - In search for wedding hall

Salam to all. Wow, I think this year moves incredibly fast, don't you think so too? It's March already. Yeah, we were both stressed out earlier this year because of our wedding hall hunting. It's like a never ending search to get a best hall with affordable price. Sometimes I think the wedding hall rental can be quite ridiculous because you only rent it for about let's say 6 hours? but charged people up to RM8k! what's your exact cost really?

Alhamdulillah, it's true when some people say, if you are sincere to get married, Allah s.w.t will show you the way and ease your difficulties. Finally, we have found our wedding hall. I seriously feel Allah s.w.t helps us and leads us to this. We never heard of this place before, but we bumped this wedding hall when we were surveying halls in Shah Alam area. It's our rezeki I would say, this place is newly opened for 2 months (when we went there) and there are a lot of free dates for weddings. I was so head over heels with this hall when I first stepped inside. Yeah, we straight away book our date on that day :)

The week after, when I want to pay for my booking deposit, I was told by the person in charge that the hall is almost full for that year! Who would've thought, only 1 week difference and the dates are almost blocked! I think it's too soon for me to reveal which hall that we've booked. Maybe next time in another entry. Whatever it is, I love what we have chosen! :)

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