we have like every night of family gathering and dinner because my relatives would come to set up the mini throne *pelamin*, decorate the bride's room, cleaning/clearing house, arranging furnitures, decorating and preparing hantaran *gifts for groom* and such and such. not included searching for the family's attire for Malam Berinai. ahaha. lucky that my office is behind Jalan TAR, so, it's easier for me to buy Kaftan or scarfs for the bride and such and such. well, the event is not only highlighted on the bride, family also must look good aren't we? hoho :P
so, basically, what we did on Malam Berinai was Tepung Tawar activity where we threw Bunga Rampai (fragrant shredded Pandan leaves with fresh flowers) on bride & groom. yes, of course we do that on the reception, but for Malam Berinai, it's more to close family to take honour to do Tepung Tawar because usually during reception, family would be busy. then, of course, photograph session where it is a compulsary activity i must say.
the next day was the big event of all. reception day. of course, i woke up early, then cleaning up the house from the mess of previous night. washing all pots and stuffs while i still stink from my just-woke-up self then took a shower and off we go to the hall. eheh, the hall is actually within 1 minute journey from my house and 15 minutes if we walk there :P the event was a blast i must say. there were many guest came and my family and i were like can't get enough of ourself to greet and treat every guest. we ourselves felt surprised to see there were so many people came. so touch by you guys :') so, we're sorry if you felt left out on that event. didn't mean to, we were just too busy :(
some pictures on that day:
it was a beautiful day and bright. and...right after the wedding ends, it rained heavily. alhamdulillah again that it didn't rain during the event. or else, it would be cramped inside the hall and a mess. again, it was a blessed from Allah s.w.t. :)
footnote: pictures are courtesy from my cousin's camera, Amirul.
Wah! lawa gak plamin n setup!
Sorry x dpt dtg.
btw, miu da btmbah cute!
tu lah. x sangka gak last minute org katering tambah mcm2. it's ok intan, ramai jugak kawan mak abah x dapat dtg pasal cuti panjang, dorg blk kg :B cute? nay! ahaha ;p
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