
Sunday, May 16, 2010

hectic week after finals

finally, after a week straight after my last paper without any rest, everything is settle now. my last paper was on last sunday, and that monday+tuesday, we had a finishing school program. had a night at 510, shah alam. again, slept very late in the morning finishing up resume (i hate last minute notice!). next day, very tired going for an interview here and there. well, i'm not really into this interview because i'm planning to work around July. penat kot, habis exam pun tak sempat rehat lagi!!! but, still, as my program lecturer said it is a requirement for us to get through the interview and to get their sign for the interview form. or else, we have to repeat again this program next semester. weh..ugutan ke apa ni weh?

anyway, i went for interview with both The Gardens and KLCC. as i expected, i was accepted. but, i'm just not ready yet. plus, the salary wasn't tempting enough for a degree holder. and, i'm still not finishing evaluating my other offers and opportunities too. ok..enough about that. my IS presentation was postponed to thursday. phew, i have some time to breathe.

but, on wednesday, madno, bb and i went to subang parade and sunway pyramid to buy gift for our class event at Port Dickson. we are planning to do some survey at memory lane and toys'r'us. unfortunately, toys'r'us are no longer at subang parade! membazir masa!! i guess they move it to Empire Gallery. madno treated bb and i at secret recipe. haha, nasiblah ko madno, aku memang lapar gila time tu!! haha. thank you!! at last,
we bought the gift at pyramid's gift shop. good bargain i must say.

that thursday, we had our IS presentation. aliza and i were the fourth group to present. too bad too bad, pn rozian was upset. not because of the presentation, not because of the report, but we changed our title :( suppose our title is "internet dependency and innovativeness influence to online reservation system" but we changed it to "online SHOPPING system" instead. pn rozian said, it will not be applicable in our faculty because it didn't cover hospitality/hotel area :( i told her that we couldn't find journals on hotel. but she said, hotel is lack of research. it's true that all journals only touch on online shopping but we have to relate it with hotel and reservation system. damn.

she was so sad that she became so quiet after that. even when i asked her about the amendment, she spoke sooooo slow that i can barely hear :( the only thing i heard was "..kenapa tukar tajuk..." :( adui.
before this, aliza and i already showed her our findings, lr and such (*noted, we didn't change it at all) and she approved and praised us that it was good. she said that our title is good for PhD research. even she took our title for her research :( we submit exactly like the one she approved, only the title change :( we did the amendment and submit to her on friday. i felt really guilty because i made her sad. i rather make her angry than sad and quiet :( i really hope it would not affect our grade much..huhu

later, after the presentation, we straight ahead go to PD as my classmates held some last reunion there. madno rode with us. i slept all along the way since i sat at the back seat, so i managed to lie. haha! seriously, i didn't know what happen along the journey. bb said there was an accident and also, it was raining heavily. sumpah aku tak ingat! haha. arrived there at 4pm, a bit cranky because i was in deep sleep and woke up in a state of shock. we departed home at 6pm as bb and i had something to do. i went straight to bed when i'm home. melekit-lekit badan. woke up at 11pm to settle my IS report T_T

alhamdulillah, everything went well and everything is over now :) now, all i have to do is waiting for my final result. i hope for the best for my final year as student. amin.

by the way, this is my pictures during IS presentation:

nervous! waiting for my turn

title yang jadi isu

pn rozian and pn azizah backview..hehe

after presentation. saling pujuk-memujuk :B

aliza and muaw. juga anak didik pn rozian :B


nady said...

besnya finishing school korang! kat sini yg datang just cimb, rhb n wawasan open uni jer. tu pun x diwajibkan interview. of course lah i x pegi coz next sem prac.

Aimi said...

psl kitorang compulsary la nady amek sign dorg. mmg byk company la jugak. kne pndai2 pilih so dpt gaji yg ok sikit..hehe. wah, practical kt mane??

nady said...

kat stidc. besnya korang dah habisss!! gile takut nak g prac ni coz environment bukan mcm dlm kitchen dulu. x pernah2 duduk ofis.

aimi said...

haha. u sure can do it nady! dlm opis better psl sejuk dpd kitchen :P
anyway, good luck! :D