
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Selena Gomez Revival Tour Live In Malaysia

Assalammualaikum wbt, is true indeed, I went to Selena Gomez freaking concert woot wooot. Despite the protest and the controversial duhh. (-___-)

I don't wanna give much comment on the protests or whatnot, because well....simply because you can't just argue with this kind of people, they will drag you down to their level of....ignorance? For me, I'm easy, if you're good, then you're good. Sometimes, the baddest person could be the holiest one. The examples are so many. Who are we to judge and count their deeds or sins. Haa..kan dah terkomen.

Okeyyy...shoooh that away pleasee. Don't wanna spoil my mood, but it really stirs Malaysians even after the concert whereby netizens comparing the way Selena dress with local artistes. And believe me, up to this day when I'm updating this entry, my Facebook timeline is still full with Selena's issue. Well, for me, haters are gonna hate and there are plenty of other issues which are vital to be focused on rather. To my surprise, there a lot of kids at the concert. Kids, yep. I guess they are primary schoolers with their PARENTS. Yep.. I purposely hit the CAPS LOCK so it will shout in your head. I felt like I am too old for this concert, like I was there to teman my little sister or something haha. So you guys can imagine what my husband feels throughout the concert tehehee. 

Overall, the concert...well, just biasa-biasa je I am not 100% enjoying myself, she is good but the performance are just....average. And I think she was ermm..lip sync? It seems like she wasn't give her wholeheartedly to her performance. I watched her other Revival Tour concerts and there were the bomb! But, if I were in her shoes, I would be the same too (cehh...tak agak nak jadi Selena...kahkahkah). Imagine you have to change your choreography, background video, wardrobe and even eliminate song from her list like in short notice, everyone would be awkward on stage too. She seemed so "berhati-hati" in her performance which was so obvious as if she's worried she might overdo that might touch "Malaysians" sensitivity..  But, I gave my full respect to her as she gives her full respect to Malaysians' culture and religion by changing her entire wardrobe. I was concern too when I see she wore bikinis in all her Revival Tour in US that I secretly prayed that she at least put a skirt on to cover but I'm glad she didn't wear those bikinis anyway. Imagine if she really wears that, all future concerts, please go down under the drain. Silap-silap roboh stadium tu kena rusuhan. She wore long sleeve black top over a silk/satin wide leg pants. That girl's so slayyyyyyyy. Now I want the exact same pants ughhhh! *Which I got quite similar from Aere but not exactly*

I also did not sing along much to her song..well because I don't know most of it despite I already bought the Revival album. Believe me, I just sat there and watched. Unlike other concerts I been to where I would danced along and scream from the top of my lung. Haha. But as usual, I still have the 'after-effect' whereby I would listen to her album for one whole week and have her songs on repeat on my playlist. We left early that night (not because she's that boring but we had other issue) and for the first time in my life, I witnessed things outside a concert area. I was surprised to see, there are quite few loaders? Whom were listening and recording to that matter to Selena's. I wasn't surprised if there were free loaders inside the stadium too since after all the ticket holders went inside, all the event organisers, securities whatnot went inside too (-__-) 

After all, I enjoyed myself (of course if not fully, the tickets were expensive duh!) despite all the kids screaming of joy hahaha, it's so excited to see. I would do the same if Adam Levine is on stage :P And one more thing I would like to give credit to the organizer whereby before the concert starts, they played Negaraku and I think this is a very good practice to every concert/event in the future. Or even at cinemas even. The patriotism these days kind of needed to be forces, needed to be reminded that we are Malaysians after all, this is the country we belong to. 

To Selena Gomez, thank you for the respect and thank you for entertaining us. Hope you'll come back soon! :) 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hari Raya 2016

Assalammualaikum wbt,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri everyone!! I thought I want to write in Bahasa today...just because...I want to endure the spirit of Raya.

Hari Raya tahun ni special sikit bagi aku pasal tahun ni tahun yang first beraya belah mertua. Yepppp. Selama ni, selama 28 tahun aku hidup, sememangnya rutin raya tu adalah sama. Cuma ubah sikit-sikit aje lah lepas dah kahwin hari tu. But still, first pagi raya mesti dekat Lenggeng, Negeri Sembilan, nenek belah emak. 

Aku start ambil cuti hari Selasa..whilst husband pula masih kerja. So, dia hantar balik dengan Hanif Aiden ke kampung malam Isnin tu. Macam biasa lah, sehari sebelum Raya tu memang macam-macam nak buat okkk. Dengan kanak-kanak 3 orang yang sibuk menolong bagai, memang kecoh. Oh ya, my sister gave birth earlier on Sahoor that day. On 30th of Ramadhan! Kesian kena pantang from Raya food. Hihi. Now mak abah dah ada 4 boys! So, mandat untuk jaga anak-anak buah yang aktif tersebut telah diserahkan kepada nenek dan atuknya..memang pengsan! All the boys were so activee!! Panjat sana sini, lari sana sini, nasib baik takde siapa termasuk dalam kawah rendang (-_-) But, itulah yang buat meriah kan? Kalau takde, sunyi pulak takde aktiviti kejar mengejar.

Macam biasa, nenek atuk akan masak rendang 20kg daging + 5kg limpa. Banyak gila kot. Dah macam kenduri kahwin. Aku tengok orang lain dekat FB, Insta bagai masak dalam kuali aje. Ni ambek kau, kawah terus. Setiap tahun memang macam ni, biasalah orang order untuk bawa balik at least 1kg sorang. Ye...order air liur je, tolong kacau pun nan hadooo. Dah terlalu biasa sampai dah immune dah. At the end of the day, untuk stok dekat rumah, dapat lah semangkuk...pfft. (-___-)


                                               Buat show menari atas meja 

Isi ketupat dengan kanak-kanak ni. Banyak lagi yang jatuh atas karpet dari masuk ke ketupat

Malam selepas buka puasa tu, husband pun sampai dalam pukul 10pm. Makan dan sembang lebih kurang, bertolaklah ke Tampin. This is my first time ever beraya selain dari Lenggeng. Sumpah tak boleh tidur malam tu. Gila awkward wehhh. Hahaha. Jalan ok, cuma sangkut sekejap dekat Senawang. Rupanya ada bazar Raya ala-ala Jalan TAR dekat area Giant tu. Kitorang sampai Tampin dalam pukul 12am macam tu. Esok pagi-pagi bangun, jenguk dapur dulu, tanya lebih kurang apa nak tolong...oh, takde apa sangat. Kalau kat Lenggeng, tak payah tanya, gerak je terus sampai tak menang tangan. Kat sini macam relaks sikit sampai tak tahu pula nak buat apa..muahaha.

 Then, lepas lelaki habis sembahyang raya dan breakfast, mula lah aktiviti salam minta ampun. Kalau dekat Lenggeng, masing-masing berdiri salam peluk tunggang terbalik aje, settle. Ohh kat sini tidak ya... Yang paling tua, in this case my Parents-in-law akan duduk, lepas tu kena ikut aturan yang paling tua salam dulu sampai lah yang paling muda. Mereput lah kau tunggu turn, nasib dah perut dah kenyang hahahaha. Aku paling cuak bab ni, pasal style dorang salam lama wehhh. Pasal, mereka salam, berlutut, lepas tu berbisik lama (tak tahu cakap apa!), then tiba-tiba menangis. Woahhh. Kena listkan dosa satu-satu ke apa ni? Macam biasa (tak biasa sebenarnya), aku punya skrip dah improve sikit lah tahun ni but still the shortest amongst all. Haha. Aku cakap:

"Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin, halalkan makan minum dan minta maaf kalau ada terkasar bahasa, terima kasih sudi tolong jaga anak"

Sambil tersengih-sengih macam kerang busuk hahahaha. Hantu betul.

Then, buat tahlil. Okey, this is something very very new to me. Mungkin pasal kalau belah Lenggeng, nenek atuk being the eldest in the family, pagi-pagi lagi orang dah start beraya, semua aktiviti intimate ni kena buat dengan cepat, kadang-kadang tu memang tak sempat! Tengahari baru dapat salam-salam, itu pun lepas mak tarik tangan dalam bilik atau cari tempat yang isolated sikit. Tapi dekat Tampin, orang tua (arwah Atuk & Wan) dah tak ada, so, mungkin rumah Tampin dah kurang dituju oleh saudara mara lain, making us had some time to buy. So, moral of the story nya, hargailah orang tua sementara mereka masih ada. Penat memang penat melayan tetamu, tapi mungkin bila orang tua dah tak ada, dah kurang meriahnya. Tak lama mana pun...dorang bukan muda lagi pun..

                             Sedang elok jugak lah budak ni tidur waktu Tahlil

Tengahari macam tu, lepas dah tahlil, kami bergerak ke Muar pulak. Muar ni hometown to FIL, dia nak menjenguk kubur dan beraya rumah anak buah nya. Dah lama menyebut, so jom kita konvoi bawa. Traffic alhamdulillah okey. Again, this is my first time jalan-jalan raya pada first day Raya. Biasanya memang mereput lah kat rumah Lenggeng melayan tetamu non-stop. Tengahari dah tukar uniform dapur (-___-) And so...we went to Ayah's niece's house and dekat sana, the rest of her siblings joined in too. Kitorang dijamu lunch terus, Ikan Mayong Masak Asam Pedas (first time makan), Kari Ayam Telur Puyuh, Sayur Goreng dan seharusnya Bandung Muar. Yang ni memang specialty dorang. Tiap kali gather memang akan buat air ni. 

Lepas beraya, jalan-jalan sekejap dekat Bandar Muar, singgah beli kopi 434 yang famous tu sebagai buah tangan. Sempat juga lah lalu dekat depan Sekolah Sains Muar, sekolah lama Eda, adik aku. Sekolah ni memang gah lah pasal depan nya ada tanah perkuburan hehehe. Dulu waktu dia sekolah sini, kerap juga lah berulang ke Muar. Sejak dah habis sekolah, memang dah lama tak jejak Muar ni. Saudara mara pun tak ada kat sini. Ingatkan nak lepas ke Muar, nak singgah sekejap ke Batu Pahat, raya rumah Maksu tapi settled dekat Muar pun dah pukul 5, nak ke Batu Pahat pun sejam lebih juga, takkan nak pergi rumah orang time Maghrib ye dak? So..terus lah balik straight ke Tampin balik. 

Esoknya tengahari dah balik ke Lenggeng. Beraya dan tidur kat sana pula. Tak pernah sebenarnya raya kedua ada dekat Lenggeng ni. Sekali, hambekk kau, gila ramai manusia datang beraya wehhhh. Sekali datang sampai 5-6 kereta sampai lah ke malam. Pengsaaaaaan melayan hahah. Memang takdelah nak ke mana-mana. Duduk lah kau kat rumah layan tetamu berulang ke dapur. Esoknya pula beraya rumah adik-beradik atuk, tak jauh pun, sekitar kampung tu juga. Then, terus balik ke Puchong pulak. Weekend pun tak pergi mana-mana, pasal dah janji nak jalan dengan abah nak berjalan raya sama-sama ke Teluk Panglima Garang yang memang rutin setiap tahun tapi tiba-tiba husband dan Hanif Aiden demam, so...cancel lah. Nanti tak pasal makin melarat pulak demam, dah lah Isnin start kerja. Mereput lah dekat rumah je cuti-cuti lepas Raya hari tu. 

Tu je lah cerita raya tahun ni. Memang betul-betul pengalaman baru bagi aku. Seronok juga kadang-kadang berubah angin ni. Tapi yang penting, tahun depan mesti turn kampung Lenggeng pulak!! Hihihi.

                                     Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dari kami sekeluarga

Ramadhan 2016

Assalammualaikum wbt,

Selamat Har Raya Aidilfitri to Muslim who happen to read my blog. time flies, it's Raya already! I was thinking to write a post on my Ramadhan but look where we are today, 4th day of Raya, whattt?! But, I don't care, still gonna write my Ramadhan experience this year.

Fasting was fine, on early days of Ramadhan, husband and I would join the family having Sahoor together but later on, I found it quite a hassle because we had to carry a sleeping big baby down, put him on a cot and bring him back up again in his cranky mood as the carrying would wake him up. So, what I did was, I packed the food I earlier together with dates and brought them in my room. 

We went to Bazaar almost everyday during working days, buying kuih and staff. Usually at USJ4, oh God.. The food there were freaking expensive! If kuih per piece last year was 80 cents, this year, it shoot up to RM1 per piece! Be it a tiny popia or karipap..same price! Some other time, we also went to Bandar Sunway or Puchong Bazar and the pricing there are much more reasonable. We didn't go out breaking fast that often because I do not like the chaos and the place would usually be too pack with people. Thus, expect some slow service and cold food as they are preparing a large batch at the same time. 

I cooked too..sometimes, during the weekend. Usually, in Ramadhan, I would be extra rajin to make simple homemade kuih like sardine french toast and popia..hahaha. We also had buka puasa in both kampung, Lenggeng and Banting and alhamdulillah, it such a bless to gather everyone in this holy month. 

Look at these dishes...roti telur sardin, ikan tenggiri jeruk, gulai ikan parang pisang muda, sayur goreng, serawa durian dan pulut, rendang ayam pucuk ubi, udang goreng daun kari, sambal belacan bacang...what a bliss..

Meanwhile, in Banting, nenek on my father's side. Bazaar Ramadhan here is freaking cheappppp. They still got 3 piece kuih for RM1!!! I was so tamak and spent crazily here. 5 piece of roti jala with curry in a plastic container only cost RM2! 

I also had buka puasa with my Maybank colleagues at Jibby Chow in Subang Courtyard. We've been wanting to dine here for ages and worth the wait!!! I gotta create one special entry about this restaurant review soon. 

I always feel sad when Ramadhan is over. I always felt like I haven't done enough, like I didn't fully utilize this holy month. It has been my second year of Ramadhan that I didn't go to Terawih.. How I miss it. But my mother always say that taking care of children also one way of Ibadah and if we do it sincerely, God will reward a mother Jannah. Wallahualam. InsyaAllah, I really hope to meet next year's Ramadhan with God's will. Amin.