ok..i may have skipped September in this blog and missed a lot of things. so, i'll try to put the pieces together little by little. so...let's start with my Aidilfitri story. as usual, the routines are the same like previous Aidilfitri and i bet it would not change for another years coming. toooo bad that i have to work one day before Raya and for sure, i work with no heart in it :P the fact that the next day is Raya is so tempting for me to focus on my work..hehe. but, lucky us that we were released one hour earlier than usual. instead of going straight back to hometown, my colleague and i went to Jalan TAR to do some last minute shopping! it was as expected, cramped with people but not as pack as previous week. maybe they are all gone to their hometown already. scored a pair of kebaya for myself and sister.
after done with shopping, i went straight to my hometown, Lenggeng, Negri Sembilan by KTM Komuter. yeah, you read me, by a train. it's easier that way as my parent do not have to wait for me to return to work before heading to kampung as traffic gonna be massive on Raya's eve definitely. talk less and see more, so, here goes my Raya pictures:
another thing happened which make this Raya a bit gloomy is that, my neighbour passed away on second day of Raya. He died on first Raya actually, but the funeral is held on the next day. He wasn't just a neighbour, he's actually a friend of my grandfather where they used to work together when my grandfather stayed at PJ long time ago. He also babysit my sisters and i when we were younger. so, i was sad of this news because i didn't meet him a day before Raya as i was working on that day. Hopefully, his soul is blessed by Allah swt, insyaAllah.
yes, i didn't get leaves for this Raya, luckily we are all entitled to get 3 days of public holiday this year with conjunction of Indipendence Day, yippe! so, on Friday, i went to work again while everybody is still enjoying their long holiday. luckily it was early of month, so, there's no so much of works to be done and what more, on Friday, my company releasing the staffs one hour earlier. i continued my Raya holiday on Monday & Tuesday of the following week.
this year, my parent hadn't organize any open houses at our house since there's not enough of manpower. hehe. yeah, with me is now working, so mother doesn't have enough hand to help her though. but, it's Raya, so just come anytime, the door is always open. the differences were, the food portion is smaller and the variety is limited :P and i did go to some of relatives & friends open houses. one of them was at Intan's. she never missed to organize one every year and i always dropped to hers every year too :P the food prepared were marvelous as ever and we had a good time. Thanks again Intan!
although we didn't make any open houses this year, i did prepare about six trays of lasagne to be freezed in the refrigerator as stocks for people coming to beraya. we just have to put them in microwave for a while and voila, it's ready to be served! yeah, good thing, they were all finished. i was thinking to sell frozen lasagne as suggested by friends and family. so, what do you think of that? yay or nay?
on the last week of Raya, i went out with my ex-schoolmates and beraya with them at Dengkil. it's been ages i didn't set my foot there and it's kind of walking down the memory lane hanging out with them there. too bad, there weren't to many houses we could go as the time is too short and it's inappropriate to go to people's houses that late. but, Alhamdulillah as i managed to go to my best buddies' houses,
Beeb, Manisah & Masyuni. later that night, Mas dropped me at ERL Putrajaya for me to be back home. thanks sugar!
so...i guess, that's all for my Raya story. it's kinda boring i know. hehe. hopefully, with Allah's will, all of us will get to see next Aidilfitri again, insyaAllah.