
Thursday, September 23, 2010


today, my entry is about reminiscing old memory of me being a teenager. well, to be exact, the period during my school days. but don't worry, i will not write my whole story life because it would be not enough space..haha. i just want to write about my favourite artist when i was young. everyone has their favourite celebrity am i right? only the level of favouritism differs from each other. some being too fanatic and moderately liking those artists. i was in..err..which group eh? actually, i was quite fanatic back then (malu nak mengaku).

i know, some people will wondering who i was sooo into then. i bet, my school friends know exactly who are they. it's *drumrolls* WESTLIFE. haha. guys can laugh right now, i don't care. haha. but i guess, it's normal and typical back then for those who are in their twenties right now to liking boybands like Nsync, Backstreet Boys, A1, BBMak..bla..bla. do not lie that you guys also ever had a fantasy of marrying them right??? (ke aku sorang je?) hahahaha. SILLY.

seriously, i was so head over heels with them back then. i collected all their albums, posters, stickers, magazines and i even went to their concert!! for me, liking an artist has a bad side and good side too. in bad side, i guess everyone aware that these immature teenager being too fanatic that they don't focus on their study, keep on day dreaming and wasting money on them. for me, i have both sides. on bad side, of course, i admit that i wasting money buying anything related about them. until there is one quite extreme level that i even bought Chinese newspaper just because it had westlife picture featured in it although obviously i can't read Chinese. i also bought imported magazines which clearly freaking expensive. i saved up my school pocket money for it!

however, looking back what i did those days, i was thankful actually for making Westlife as my so-called idol back then :P to make a confession here, i was very very weak in English (well, still do!) when i was kids because i grown up with my grandparents who obviously couldn't speak in English nor understand them. my environment also contributed to my weakness. living at countryside area (Dengkil), most of my childhood friends and their parents aren't conversed in English. to summarize, i wasn't expose to it at all. i scored B for English in UPSR by the way. hehe.

but everything change when i stepped into secondary school (in a year 2000). must be you guys remember very well a song sang by Westlife "Flying Without Wings". i loved that song so much that i bought their album and it was a platform to change my life. i became too obsessed with them and i even memorized all the song lyrics. to like an English artist, of course just reading articles in local magazine wasn't enough right? especially when you are a kind of person who would cut all the pictures in magazine and collected them (yeah..that's me). so, i started buying local English magazine, Galaxie and only stop buying them when Galaxie transformed itself into a smaller size (i think they're cutting cost?). obviously, when you liking that artist so much, although i didn't understand a word in English, i forced myself to read it and kept on flipping the dictionary. can u believe it that i even translate the song lyrics?? English had been one of my most hated subject back then but it's all change because of Westlife! how great their influence in me..haha. i became more interested in English because i wanted to understand articles about Westlife especially the one that featured in international magazines like Smash Hits, Hitz, bla..bla.

many people said that i am way too obsessed with them including my parents for sure but today, when i looking back, i am thankful that i was such person then. liking somebody forced us to do anything and in my case, i loved Westlife too much that i'm willing to learn English. haha. well, as for today, i am no longer a person i used to be before. no longer a young teenage girl who collected all the posters and such. nor do i have any fanatic feeling over my favourite artists. :P

oh, another thing, although my English isn't that good, but it's enough for me to survive! haha.

pakwe-pakwe lama saya!


beeb beebot said...

omg sgt tak boleh lupa kan? mark feehily kan your fav? hahaha your english sooo damn good la.. thanks to westlife and not to forget your relentless efforts..

Aimi said...

tau xpe!! kwn2 sekolah je tau rahsia ni..haha :P not that good beeb. im still learning and still far way to go. im still in a weak level tho :( urs not bad too! keep it up! :D

Scorpio Warrior said...

pakwe2 lm saya juge! ^^