today i went for the interview at KLCC. i already went through the preliminary interview during the finishing program at UiTM last time. i rode with my mother on her way to her work and depart home at 6.45am! my initial plan was to have her drop me at KTM. u know that KTM is always full and move slow, so you need to go out early. but, instead, my mother dropped us (ecah and i) at Putra LRT University Station. haha. soooo..we're going to arrive soooo early at KLCC. we arrived at KLCC around 7.30am! damn early and my interview only will start at 10.30am. so, we killed time by walking around (no shops are open yet) and just sitting at the convention centre food court. actually, this is my first time taking the public transportation alone. so, my parent call me like almost every hour to my phone and ecah's phone and remind me like hundred times to keep my eyes on ecah. my mother even asked me to bring ecah along for the interview (=.=)
at 10am, i went to the admin office for the interview. they have 2 offices namely east and west admin office. i went to west office and she asked me to go to the east office for getting the form and such at HR department. they didn't believe me as i told him that Mr. Gibson (the catering manager) called me personally to come for interview last week and i already went through the preliminary interview before. they thought that i'm a random person came seeking for a vacant job. cish. as i came to east admin office, they call here and there, mentioning my name and such for confirmation. i was quite pissed by then because they thought i was joking around mentioning Mr Gibson's name. they asked me several times what the caller told me, is it true that i should come on Tuesday, what the exact time, asking my name several times..bla..bla. maybe they thought that i was making up story! T_T then, i showed them the number from my phone's call log, and they were surprised because it was Mr Gibson's personal number! hambik ko! but, they are warm and polite as they said sorry for the misunderstanding. so, i'm quite cool a bit by their courtesy :p
then, i went back to west office, where Mr Gibson's office located, and there's one girl waiting to usher me. ecah waited at the office lobby by the way. well, the interview went ok. Mr Gibson wanted me to start right away as he was so please to see my current CGPA. he even asked me my SPM result (=.=) but i refuse as i said i'm waiting for my final result before start deciding to work. then, i told him that i wish i want to continue study (which is partly true..hehe). actually, i wanted to work, but the wages is too low, and it is part time and i have to work 6 days per week for roughly rm1200 per month..pffft! i don't think it's equivalent with my qualification and effort because after i deduct my meal expenses, transportation fees..bla..bla, what's left for me? huhu. other opportunities offered me at least rm1800. so i gave him excuse that i'm waiting for JPA call to do my service at government area, which if my pointer above 3.5 this semester, i wanted to apply for scholarship to further study..bla..bla. he even asked me how sure i am for me to get more than 3.5 this semester..woah!! although some of my friends already started their work, but i prefer to take it slowly and evaluate all other opportunities and wait for my final result to decide on anything. KLCC has quite a good working environment, and easily accessible. i also feel comfort with all the staffs there. maybe i could consider it if the salary is higher and they offered me a permanent position since right now i'm looking for a long-term career and the opportunity to build career ladder. Mr Gibson is really nice. he even support me to further my study, and says he will call me again in the middle of June as he really wants me to work there. Mr Gibson, thanks soo much for ur time, and it such an honour for me to have known u :')
after that, i browsed around with my sister as we both seldomly coming to Suria KLCC. didn't buy anything because i'm in the middle of financial crisis. chewah! haha. well, browsed around at Kinokuniya actually to find the mini set of Shopaholic..hehe. then, we took LRT back to KL Sentral, had a quick lunch there and took KTM back to Setia Jaya. i was even asleep in the train! damn tired!! my feet badly hurt because i wore high heels for the interview :( i should just bring my comfort shoes in different bag. my father then pick us up at Mentari Court and sent us home.
as i reached home, i immediately changed to my "home" attire when bb texted me as he wanted to see me because he feel bad that he couldn't accompany me today :( we went to Pyramid, chatted a little about our today's activities. sorry puffy as i couldn't stay that long since i am too tired even for a walk :( well, there goes my Tuesday..hehe
while waiting the clock to move faster. time: 8.30am!!
ecah comfortably slept at the empty food court table. lucky the stalls not open yet
my new planner book! got it as complimentary gift for registering at GEMS during the job fair. well, i registered to get the bag actually but this planner book is wayyyy nicer. hahahah.
ecah and i in KTM train. well, before i fell asleep