cube tgk, makin lama makin tebal. makin tebal makin mahal. makin tebal makin lambat la habis bace..hehe :p
alhamdulillah. finally, i've got all four. total spent: RM175.60 (membazir ke x ye? :-?) minus the first book as it a gift from bb. thanks :D currently reading breaking dawn. seriously, i can't get my hand off this book. so addicting, i put aside my assignment and works and..and..sleep late to read this book. oh, please, save me! T_T patutlah ramai orang minat sangat buku ni. yes. i admit it now. |saya suka juga| *straight face*
bought this last saturday for bb for.....ehem. ehem. he's been talking, dreaming and belek2-ing this book since like..last december? :p i don't know why he's soooo into this book :P take a peek on it, and i guess, it's worth reading. simple languages and combining of many stories in one book. it's a MPH highlight too! nanti nak pinjam tau! :D
i guess i should apply MPH card lol.
Oh? ad masa memnabce yek?
sem ni x pack sgt, so byk mase :p
i da abes bce breaking the dawn *that's the only twilight saga volume yg i bce kots* :P
mmg addictive bcoz thats the most interesting part of all..
hehehe..i've been neglecting my works too for this..mmg best tho cam tak best sbb tade smbgn lg.. :D
yeay! mmg bes kn mai. da la paling tebal. nk pulak ade cerita dr jacob's perspective. haha. mmg betul. ku setuju psl twilight & sebelum2 ni buat kite x saba nk bc next volume (--,')
eh eh i like mine!!
eventho amateur nye level ;;)
thnxie bb =')
mane ade amateur la, same je mcm buku teks XD
yeap..i like urs too ;;)
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